Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dog and baby= trouble

If you are wondering if it is a good idea to get a new dog and also acquire a newborn baby at roughly the same time, let me spare you the trouble of wondering and let you know that it is in fact not a good idea. At all.

Exhibit A
Exhibit B
These used to be the contents of a diaper bag
Exhibit C
This used to be a roll of toilet paper on a shelf
Exhibit D
Look carefully at what is in her mouth...
More often than not she is doing something I would not like her to be sneaking onto our kitchen table to eat food, jumping into the baby's seats to steal pacifiers and bibs (she once took the pacifier while the baby was still in the seat), finding wet baby washclothes in the bathroom and bringing them onto the dry carpet, romping around like a crazy dog while chewing on a baby sock...things of that general nature. I think somebody needs more attention.