Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3 months!

Hip hip hooray, Baby Bear turned three months! She is such a different little lady than we brought home from the hospital. She is SO aware of everything around her. She is chubby, and happy, and smiley, and cute, and awake a lot. Just in the past week her sleeping has vastly improved. She went from fighting naps for up to an hour at EVERY naptime to going to sleep on her own in just a couple of minutes. And she went from waking up 4-5 times a night to just 2-3 currently. The little baby that used to take up to 2 hours to be put to bed is gone and has been replaced with a baby that has been falling asleep almost instantaneously when I put her in bed for the night. Sometimes I just stare at her waiting for her eyes to pop open again, but they never do anymore. What happened? I don't know, but I like it.

(The pediatrician told me that she was probably sleeping when I wasn't watching her...)

Baby Bear loves to look at toys that move or light up. And she can reach for them and keep touching them until they make music.
Not sure who likes this toy more...

But she prefers faces to toys (even Mika's face). She loves to smile at herself in the mirror and smile and stare at our faces in the mirror. She loves to talk to us every chance she gets, and also talks to herself when she wakes up (oh just kidding, these past few days she screams when she wakes up). It's so cute (the cooing not the screaming). She LOVES to be sung to. Her current favorites are "You are my Sunshine" and "Patty-Cake". She loves when we slap her little hands while singing Patty-Cake. She also now really enjoys standing on her legs. She has such a good temperament. She is so easy going, hardly a crabby day except for maybe here or there (and the whole fussing at nap thing). We feel so lucky to have such a happy little thing. Even when her little eyes pop open at 7am after a really long night, it's impossible to not smile at that tiny happy face that's looking up at you just so happy to see you and waiting to be picked up and loved.

We met with both our caseworkers today and little Baby Bear will be with us through at least January then possibly another 1-3 months before she goes back to live with her mom. I'm really nervous to relinquish her into mom's care. I hope that this is what is best for Baby Bear. That will be a hard day for me when it comes.

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