Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"The Call"

Yesterday we got "the call" while we were out shopping. I felt my phone buzzing and looked to see that it was our agency calling. After months of waiting this still didn't feel real. It didn't feel like our lives were about to change completely once I answered. I didn't feel panicked. I didn't really feel anything except the tiniest twinge of excitment after waiting so long. The caseworker prefaced the conversation with "I know this is a little out of your age range..."  It turned out that they were seeking a place for a teenager who was getting out of residential treatment. We ended up turning it down, and I do not feel good about it. I know that we are not emotionally ready to parent a teenager and that it probably would have been a bad fit for everyone involved, but it really does not sit well that I would be able to turn someone in need away so easily just because they are too old or too difficult. I want to be the type of person who would not turn anyone in need away, but I was not that person yesterday.

However, we do have a recent little addition to our family. Our little fox had a three day stay at the hospital and they didn't want to release her back to the pound so of course we said we would take her home while she recuperates. Then we have to bring her back to get spayed when she is healthy enough.
She's such an affectionate little thing. She loves to snuggle more than anything else in the world. To my dismay she loves to give kisses ALL the time. At the end of the day I feel like I'm covered head to toe in dog licks. There is a highway in Hawaii called Like-Like (pronounced like "licky-licky") and we joke that that would be a fitting name for her. She is also super curious and playful now that she is starting to feel better, and it's so fun to watch her. She loves to bat her dog treats around and then pounce on them instead of eating them, or she will "bury" them in a towel. I've also poked my head into the next room multiple times to check on her and I have caught her staring at herself in the mirror on more than one occasion.

We think she's a good fit for our family and hope she is as friendly and tolerant with kids.


  1. Awe...What a sweet little pup! We can't wait to meet her! Cindy

  2. Laura - I think you did the right thing in turning down that opportunity. It has to "feel right" to all involved. If it turned out to be a bad fit, it might have done more harm than good so don't be hard on yourself. Perhaps if a similar situation presents itself again, you can have an informational meeting with the child and case worker before deciding? More information is always better. It's just a thought.

