Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring is Beautiful!

Spring is really beautiful in Pennsylvania. There are so many flowering trees! A few weeks ago all the cherry trees were in full bloom. It was especially pretty when all the petals started to fall. It looked like snow floating to the ground. Many streets are lined with these trees and it was very fun to drive through. Last week all the trees with pink blossoms started to bloom.  We were pleasantly surprised to find out that all the trees on our new street are the flowering pink kind! I hope to get some pictures of the pink trees soon. I also said that last year and never did....

I found the time to write a blog post because I'm supposed to be cleaning right now. Funny how that works out.


  1. Where's Waldo?
    I mean Smokie....

    You should make a book of these pictures where he's hiding and give it to a kid for their birthday.

  2. Beauuuuutiful pics! How i miss the seasons!

    ps - cute idea - an "I See Smokie" book :)
