Monday, February 27, 2012

Foster Care Update

If you're curious where we're at....chances are we're still at the same point as the last info you heard.

We had our third interview in January where they came out to inspect our home. We have a little more paperwork to complete and then we can be "approved". After we are approved we could start to receive calls for placements. I've purposefully been holding off on sending in the last of our paperwork until I feel completely settled in my job (which is proving to be a slow  process with all the changes going on!). I was offered the job in October, but my official hire date wasn't until mid December due to their long hiring process. I didn't start working with clients until the beginning of January, and since then I haven't had a "regular" week with all my hours being at the time they are scheduled.
In theory I really love my job, but in real life it causes me a lot of stress. Though I really enjoy both of my clients, I'd much rather be a stay at home foster mom full time. Unfortunately, I need a job to prove that we are financially stable. However, our childcare costs while I am working will be more than I am making due to travel time and gaps between sessions. So we end up losing money by me working, but I need a job. 
So I have no estimation of when we will start having foster children. One month, 4 months...who knows. 

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