Saturday, October 16, 2010

Free Printer Ink!

Tonight we got free ink for our printer (and some free envelopes and yes even bubble gum and a snickers bar...all free). We recycle ink cartridges at Staples and they give you rewards to put towards other purchases. You can recycle up to 10 ink cartridges a month. Who has that many you say? We asked Walgreens for their old cartridges that they can not refill and made $100 in rewards at Staples between the two of us! Cha-Ching!! We got a heavily discounted printer (we could only use $30 rewards towards it) at the start of the summer, and now free ink! We are out of ink cartridges now and are hoping that we can find some store out here that will be as generous!
Photo courtesy of C. Nordhaus!

1 comment:

  1. You've got to teach me how to save like you do!!! I love reading your tips! I decided that I'm going to learn how to use coupons! You should keep a spreadsheet for one year of your total savings. I bet it will be thousands! :)

    ps - cool pictures! :)
